Control systems
The overall level of equipment's quality, reliability, operating comfort and price depends to a great extent on the used control unit. The technologies we provide with fully automated control unit PLC based with database and graphic processing on PC (or on touch panel by customer choice). The control systems are deliver in there levels divided by comfort of software equipment. The easiest system is referred to as BASIC, follow PREMIUM (most widely used) and the most comfort is PROFI system.
Besides control and monitoring of production, these control units allow user to create almost unlimited variety of concrete mixtures, diagnostic the production process and record material consuption and obtain data-specific printed outputs.
The control units are mostly based on components by Schneider-Eletric or Siemens and are characterized by very high flexibility in what concerns their ability to adjust to user's individual needs and are capable of getting connected to user's syperordinate control systems. The controling, communication and data processing is PC operated with the possibility and data processing's PC operated with the possibility of data and servis transfer. The visual and controlling interface is secured by Control Web program or Visio Look program for operating touch panels.